At Speedy Stop, we sell a variety of motor fuel brands at our locations, including Speedy Stop and ExxonMobil. We choose a given locations brand of motor fuel based on a variety of factors. Ultimately, we utilize the brand that we feel allows us to offer the best experience for our customers in a given market. We stand behind the fuel that we sell, regardless of the motor fuel brand at a particular Speedy Stop location.
If you believe you experience a problem with motor fuel at any Speedy Stop location, follow these simple steps:
1. Call our toll-free number 361.582.5100
2. Upon receiving the info from you and your ASE certified mechanic, your information will be reviewed. Any repairs determined to be caused by Speedy Stop motor fuel will be reimbursed directly to the repair facility. *
*Speedy Stop reserves the right to investigate all claims submitted and determine fault based on this investigation. Damages caused by fuel that is not approved by the manufacturer of your vehicle will not be covered under this guarantee. Fraudulent claims will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

The new Speedy Stop Rewards Program is currently available at the Victoria locations. Earn points to use as cents off at the pump or in the store with our free rewards program. Once registered, use with the app or enter your phone number at checkout to earn points.